The Way Of A Fantasy
Wednesday, February 27, 2008
Pledge to go fur-free at
Your Name, Your Fantasy
Tuesday, February 26, 2008
Kays, today was rather interesting, so I'm going to revert back to school life again. Went to school earlier than usual today, school bus driver insomnia you see...
IT WAS RAINING..thats the best thing that happened in the morning since I found a 10cent coin on the floor of my bus while tying my shoelaces, which means every other morning has been crapped up, especially when I have been on a losing streak against Qixian in Chinese Chess.
Kays, before I went off topic, I had no frc today, equals no CCL long speech.
Then during recess, Yew Weng had a brainwave, and decided to aim balls at Kai Kuai's head instead of the goal. He did it quite successfully if you ask me, he had 3 shots on target, one on Kai Huai's face, that caused him to take out his specs, another one that landed right on his face, because he couldn't see the ball, and to sum it all up, he whacked the last one right onto his right eye, as a result, he got to bring Kai Huai bakc to class. Yea, I know that sucks Kai Huai, but is yew weng's speciality: if I can't beat you, I bring you down together with me. Or according to Wenhui's inspirational quote, "if I cant stand you, I sit on you", bet thats what her prince charmings will want her to do sia, RIGHT QIXIAN?!?!
After school, because Mr Lim took Lam's period, we had no supplementary, or remedial according to Mr Lim, because he claims he dunno how to pronounce supplementary. 1.5 hrs of Physics is sianess, I slept for 0.5 hrs while waiting for him to go through the other mtd besides the paralellogram mtd(I forgot the name, something like tip and scale method?), then ended up when I woke up he finished with it and is back with parallelogram method again. SHUCKS man..but at least I understand now, stayed back with a couple of others and interrogated Mr Lim. Later, went to find Phua for more remedial, but it took quite short since I forgot to bring down my e.maths and ask him bout indices, which is cheemology. So, played soccer after ward with my class and with Sec4s.
WTH!!, lousy quality shit ass pants. They use what kind of cloth to make wan. Table cloth ah? I just stretched my leg abit longer than usual, my pants expanded abit longer than usual, then the hole appeared. Stupid low quality table cloth. AND the hole wasnt at all small lahs, so I had to sidewalked my way back to class and grab my bag. Then saw Yinghui, told her, then she was just laughing, ehs can be mroe compassionate sia, HOLY pants leh! But the difference between a big bag and a small bag is there for all to see. It saves your ass literally.
Tommorow, got chinese chess, starting to like it, since sec1s all having tests, ITS PURE SLACK. 2hrs seems much shorter than usual. There's also chem quiz and maths quiz, both not counted. But still it will be a gd judge of what I know and do not know, so more or less also must do. 6 tests next week.
My recent results:
Chem---16/25(improvement nonetheless)
Nxt Week's tests:
Wish me luck and good luck for all of your tests!!
Your Name, Your Fantasy
Okay, people I'm back again after a 1-2 day break. Anyway, nothing much happened during these two days, except maybe my house outside the cat gave birth to 3 kittens which is pissing the daylight out of my mum, when it jumped through the window to eat the fish on the table. There goes my fish and the kitten must better thank his lucky dog that it managed to steal my fish and get away safely under the watchful eyes of MY MUM.
Kays, nothing much happen in school these days, so instead of just repeating what I always say, I decided to upload some pics of the garden behind my house. But due to some unforseenable error, I couldn't but it will seem familiar when its uploaded because drama series all dunno why dunno how end up getting shot there.
Then my brother, was like today decided to have a craving for a dog. Those kind of small dogs where he could cuddle and say his stories to while cuddling him to sleep, and those kind which licks your leg when you come back hom from school. STOP DREAMING LA. Watching movies ah? Where got such dogs wan? Plus, my sis and I was quite certain if he ever got a dog back, my mum will make it hotdog the next day, so better not. AND theres like fur and shitting motion, so my mum was like TOTALLY against it, I wasn't that interested in it neither.
Oh yea, realised some time back that my sis, bro and me are all named alphebathically. Angeline, Benjamin, Clarence. SO COOL order of eldest to young some more. Plus all are 8 letters. Dunno how long they took to come out with such strategic names. But then being youngest sucks and rocks at the same time. I'm like 10 years younger than them so its like my sis is already working while I'm stuck studying about periodic tables. According to my mum, I am completely and totally accidental. EHS, be more tactful la, say that 'you are a pleasant surprise', say I accidental, too direct lahs!
Then have another thing to share about, but I will share maybe on another day perhaps, when the time is ripe and stuff. Chionging my tingxie now, yy srsly is pervertic, make us learn those short sentences for what shit. Nevermind generation gap, she is obviously getting old, senile maybe, doesn't realise that our hcl O lvls doesnt have tian xie han zi AT ALL, which sucks sia, NO MORE GIVE AWAY Qn.
Kays, mainly today, got nothing to talk about, talked about a little bit of my family and ehs..yy AGAIN, she so popular in my blog. Studying. Mugging. Chionging. Whatever word you used, it is used to describe how I am studying my chinese now. NITEZ. Have a good day ahead.
Your Name, Your Fantasy
Saturday, February 23, 2008
Never blog yesterday, only did some tests shit and realised I got to spend more time staring at the mirror in order to know my eye color and hair colour(though I'm quite sure it is black).
Anyways, yesterday went for some movie shit which is highly recommended if you decide to break up with your stead. It is a clear indication that you hate them. The show wasn't nice, the language is hard to understand, kaes mayb Im just not sophisticated enough but too bad, I just cant understand such cheems show, spend half your time thinking what the show about, rather than watching the show itself.
But it was a good thing, because of the show I could enter chinese chess at 4.00 and get my attendance marked 30mins later. SO COOL right. But then thats probably one of the main reasons why I will never be in the commitee. Still, who cares? I just want my competion points then I will be fine. And I have competition this thurs and friday, but I think I will get screwed there. Down there the people must be like nerds that stare at the chess sets everyday and analyse every move.
Today, was very very mundane. Went for double tuition at 11.30 to 1 before 2.30 to 4.30 for the dumbest of subjects to get tuitioned ever. English and Chinese leh..Don't even need brains or anything, but got forced so I don't really have much say in it. Intend to go for soccer bout 1.5hr before chionging homework then sleep late because of soccer and homework most prob.
My earliest post yet leh. I have been breaking record these days. Like twice in the row I broke my earliest post record. Okaes, nvm I am childish because I don't have childhood and I need a sense of satisfaction OKAY.
Who want to sleep late tonite? Can accompany you, cuz I'll most prob be too. Good evening peeps. Good luck for all you guys tests on week 10, and hppy bdae to chris, your bdae present will come later, I guess.
Your Name, Your Fantasy
Friday, February 22, 2008
Layer One: On the outside
Name: Clarence Seow(C.S)
Birth date: 30th July
Birthplace: Singapore
Current Location: Home
Eye Color: Black? I'm sorry I don't spent our hours in front of the mirror.
Hair Color: Black, with no light on it, brown with light on it, so its black
Height: 180++
Righty or Lefty: Righty
Zodiac Sign: Fiery Leo
Layer Two: On the Inside
Your heritage: Temasekian, later known as Singapura-ian then Singaporean
The shoes you wore today: Tightly fitted school shoe
Who you look like: (fill in the blanks)
Your weakness: Too talkative, likes to piss teacher off, spoils shoes easily, crap too much
Your fears: Betrayals from friends
Your perfect pizza: HAWAIIAN
Your sexual orientation: Straight, straight, straight
Goal you'd like to achieve: Get into a acceptable JC and always be in contact with my friends
Layer Three: Yesterday, Today, Tomorrow
Your most overused phrase on MSN: haha (I hav a low sense of humour you see)
Your thoughts first waking up: Continue sleeping
Your best physical feature: (fill in the blanks)
Your bedtime: Im nocturnal, around 1-2a.m
Your most missed memory: Days with forgivers, all the days.
Layer Four: Your pick
Pepsi or Coke: Coke
McDonalds or Burger King: Burger King
Single or group dates: GROUP
Adidas or Nike: Adidas
Chocolate or vanilla: Chocs
Cappuccino or coffee: Coffee
Layer Five: Do you?
Smoke: Nope
Cuss: Nope, unless u start pissing me off
Sing: I got a bad voice, and I try not to make it known
Have a crush: Nopes
Think you've been in love: Maybe...
Like high school: Yeps
Want to get married: Never thought so far
Believe in yourself: Most of the times
Get motion sickness: Not really
Think you're attractive: Nopes
Think you're a health freak: Nopes
Get along with your parents: Most of the time
Like thunderstorms: Yes
Play an instrument: I dont sing and I dont play anything, in short, Im not musically gifted
Layer Six: In the past month...
Drank alcohol: No
Smoked: No
Done a drug: No
Gone to the mall: Yeps
Eaten an entire box of Oreos: Yeps
Eaten sushi: Yups
Been on stage: Yups, but I hate the feeling and would never do it again
Gone skating: No
Gone skinny dipping: Nopes
Dyed your hair: No
Stolen anything: No
Layer Seven: Ever...
Played a game that required removal of clothing: No
Been trashed or extremely intoxicated: No
Been caught "doing something": Doing what? Plus Im never secretive, so I will not be caught
Been called a tease: No
Been beaten up: No
Shoplifted: No
Layer Eight: Getting Older
Age you hope to get married: One Step at a time
Numbers and Names of Children: Please la, 1 step at a time
Describe your dream wedding: I SAID 1 STEP AT A TIME!
How do you want to die: While getting abducted by UFOs
What do you want to be when you grow up: Cher? President?
What country would you most like to visit: Africa, its really nice, as in the nature
Layer Nine: In a partner
Best eye color: Anything
Hair color: Anything
Short or long hair: Anything
Height: Shorter than me, not asking much
Best articles of clothing: Anything
Layer Ten: In the Numbers
Number of people I could trust with my life: 3-4 at the very most; those that I talk to frequently, it will be you
Number of CDs that I own: None, sadly.
Number of piercings: None
Number of tattoos: None
Number of times my name has appeared in the newspaper: None, even more sadder.
Number of things in my past that I regret: Many
Your Name, Your Fantasy
Kays first things first, gratz singapore for getting the rights to host the youth olympics. Very prestigious right you know..but still, I do not think that I will be affected too much by it, at the very most more tourists come Singapore then start squeezing with me lor. Still, I am proud to be to see the tiny red dot doing super well in sports. First the F1 then youth olympics, our frisbee international team will soon be the best in the world, YEAH!!
After the good news, here comes the bad news. I got whacked in my jewels again. AGAIN. Qixian was on a warpath today, he wanted to prove that he could score goals, so he was like whacking balls in all directions from all angles. Pity he didn't see where the goal actually was, because his shots ended in all places except for the goal itself. Thus, he wanted to prove his point that he could aim. So he decided to aim my jewels, of all things. PAIN~~.
Yesterday, went to lucky to eat again, with ben and xx-tou and some other people if I never remember wrongly, but I think I remembered wrongly. Got pang-sehed by the rest AGAIN. SO nevermind had a good time there eating then rush to go to 76. Nothing much la, my life very boring wan, did you notice a pattern in my activities? Its always study, soccer, eat, go home.
So today, I study in school, played soccer, eat, go home. EHS, sound so familiar!! Today, got class outing, I skipped it again. Partly because I was feeling really sian and partly because I did not bring clothes to change. I know they are lame excuses, but its afterall, AN EXCUSE. During lesson, got my maths bk confiscated by cake cuz I was doing it during his lesson, got it back somehow after a heart-to-heart talk with him after the lesson. Point to note, I so dont give a thing about your lesson, want me to focus on your lesson, TRY HARDER!
Kaes, late now and I just realised I haven't do my Maths, thx to wenhui, so I got to chiong through my maths and IF I am lucky I just might sleep before 2. Nitez ppl.
Your Name, Your Fantasy
Tuesday, February 19, 2008
YOZ, people, in case you haven't realise, this is my earliest post yet. 3 CHEERS for me, WOOTS. ZI HIGH!!
Today, after Physics supplementary, for the first time in a long long time, I didnt stay back to play soccer and rush back home to study my Chemistry, though I got to admit, nothing much was done. That's why I came to the conclusion that tommorow will be screwed upside down. But still, will be mugging tonight till very late, so it somehow repays back. After supplementary, left with xx, ben, gavril, qixian and low to eat at lucky. Thanks xx for the trest of fries, so to express my gratitude, I will call you by your real name 'xx' and not 'xx-tou'.
Today's post will be much shorter than usual. REMEMBER? I still haven't touch on my Chemistry. Tommorow Chem is no-hoper la, just pray for the best and can score well. But still got to put in some effort la, or not score badly, will hate yourself wan leh.
Oh ya, lets all take a moment silence AGAIN today for the death of lydia sum. REMEBER HER?!?! If cannot, the minute's silence is for the recalling of her. Hint: she is the slightly plump and quite comical actoress. SO people, one minute of slience starts....NOW. Shhh
While you all are keeping silent, I got to study my Chemistry, so I will not disturb your silence. SILENCE IS GOLDEN. Have fun and good lucky for all your tests!!
Your Name, Your Fantasy
Kays, compiling list of items recieved from friends(didn't take long)
Special Thanks to:
Yinghui---Water bottle, pencil box, nougats(its really nice)
Shiyong---Turtle(very cute), Toblerones, pencil box
Wenhui---Scented candles(very beautiful)
Thanks to these people for giving me first three valentine's day gifts.
After the thanks, let's all take a minute's silence to appreciate the going of Total Defence Day. MINUTE OVER. Had IPP today, which I felt was incredibly dumb. If there really was toxic gas, I'm very sure we won't be sitting in the classroom, figuring out how to solve the rubik's cube and IF there is toxic gas, WHO in the right mind will go and collect IPP kit and risk their life. Its all just a cock-act. Singapore so small, got toxic gas all die already, still go take plastic bag and seal up ur house? In your dreams la.
Still, the 'minute' silence is to thank it for killing off Maths period. My new maths teacher was like pointing the f sign, his first lesson in the school lasted only 10mins. Heard his teaching his a load of crapbag. I seriously hope not.
During interaction, Mr Lim named a few of our class people who were blacklisted even before they entered the class. I was one of the names. I can bet it was pregnant lady that blacklisted me for screwing up her good teacher's checklist. TOO BAD, there really wasn't much good about her. Then he say this year got teacher complain about me and a lot of others in class through e-mails. I have a good guess its either yangyan or kekky. I eventually eliminated yangyan out of the running since she most probably doesn't know how to use the computer, she has something like a typewriter at home I figure. SO it down to kekky. Kekky hates me because I goes to toilet everytime during his lesson. Try making ur lesson abit more interesting and I might consider holding my bladder, but too bad now your lesson just sucks.
Has chemistry on Wed, wish me luck. I'm pretty sure I will be like the borderline pass again, if I could pass, still, luck plays an important factor you know. Reminds me, played soccer today and KaiHuai whacked the ball against the jewels. OUCHY. The first 5 second was like blood drained out, so numbness, then after that, the blood chiong back in, WOAH, PAIN!!! Its fine now, so no worries people.
Kaes, goodnitez people, gonna sleep early tonite.
Your Name, Your Fantasy
Sunday, February 17, 2008
Woah, very long never update already, like for 2 days consecutively I slept or accidentally slept at 10 and 11 respectively, so forgot to tag. Anyway nothing much happened, its not as if my life is THAT happening anyways.
Saturday, went back for physics lecture, went there half an hour late and thankfully so. It was more like a discussion meeting la. No one was listening to gary chua at all, except for mayb the meatball(Wilson), who keeps asking questions. I tried listening, but ended up listening to the guys in front of me talk instead. Sms-ing throughout the lecture. The fatty cher behind me gotta be blind. I didn't see him at first despite his immense size so I smsed right in front of him. Lucky he was too busy playing game on his laptop(I figure), since he was looking at it so intently. But I will give anything to go for this lecture anyway, can skip my tuition, which is really one of the best cure for insomnia, but I think the best is still hearing yangyan talk. Later played soccer, then went for second tuition before going soccer then sleep. SO busy right to really learn some time management.
Today, SUNDAY. HOLY DAY. AMEN. Went to church of Queen Of Peace. Thought I saw Kelly there, and I was right..YEAH, but she didn't see me. The Homily was really good I feel, I remembered one line 'Those that don't love God, hasn't encountered God's love.', I ACTUALLY REMEMBERED SOMETHING FROM A HOMILY. Normally, I will be like dozing off, but today the priest seemed MUCH better, he has great potential, because he kept me awake. Then went to shop for gifts for really belated Vday gifts. Bought thing from minitoons AGAIN, and something from 77th Street. The girl there was pissing me off, her attitude was POOR. She was like desperately wanting me to buy her membership card, she don't beg until lidat, I can consider, but she try to be funny, then NEVER.
Has a very slack week this week. Tuesday, two slack lessons in the row, c.arts then e.hist lecture. But I have an unsure Bio quiz tommorow, not sure it will be use on SPA lesson. But nonetheless still got to study. so its like sianz 0.5...and long day again tommorow, but assembly programme has improved dramatically since this VP took over, its only 0.5hr-45mins so its like shorter than before, plus sitting with xx-tou and qixian makes the assembly seems more fun.
Going broke very soon. Got to save money for March babies, which apparently is alot. Thus, I think I got to skip chris's birthday present, REALLY SORRY. BUT I will get a belated one for him. There are mainly 5-6 presents I wanna get this year, so if you are one of the lucky few, thank your lucky stars, moons WATEVER. I'm in crapping mood again.
'Studying is my bank' directly translated from hokkien to english, quoted from C.S's grandma at 12.12 in order to yank him off the computer. I simply love quotes sia, sounds so mystical and makes one look sooo smart, especially the part 'quoted from..' WOAH, makes me feel so important and smart sia, but in this case is my grandma.
Kays, Bio mugging now people, NITEZ, and have fun in school.
Your Name, Your Fantasy
Friday, February 15, 2008 -
The hardest quiz ever
Your Name, Your Fantasy
Happy Valentine's Day, people. Special thanks to Wenhui and Shiyong, my first valentine's day presents, btw I ate the chocolate already, ITS NICE. Kays got to make this really short, partly because I am still studying my chinese ting xie at 1 and partly because I am sleepy.
XX-tou showed the brainless side of him today, after sending him a sms to buy some food for valentine, he very happily, innocently went to get a sandwich, FOR VALENTINE, for goodness sake. So, paiseh ah shiyong, abit screwed up present, thanks to xx-tou sudden brainwave.
I had all my marks back today, didn't do as badly as I thought I would have:
Maths---14/20(maximum marks since I didn't do 3 qns)
Physics---12/30(mark wrongly got extra marks, WOOTS)
Then, today sharmila's 2nd last day with us, gave her farewell party, by buying cake for her, and with that we just skipped half a Maths lesson. After that, went home with ben and xiangxi while Qixian and Co. stayed back to play soccer and chinese chess(I figure).
Tommorow's English narrative test, all the best to those who is going to do it. Those that have dont it and done well, GOOD FOR YOU, whose that did badly, I will help you pray the others did badly too. Also has ting xie, which I'm hardly progressing upon today, will continue to mug for at least an hour at least. With that, NITEZ PPL.
Your Name, Your Fantasy
Thursday, February 14, 2008
I am so proud of myself today. I actually broke my perfect record in Chinese Chess attendance today and pon it for ONCE. Went out with ben, lowl, henry and xx to parkway, to get gifts for valentine's. Henry ended up buying loads of sweets, while we shopped for our gifts. XX-tou did'nt want to tell what he got for his gifts, so I'll do him a favour here. He bought a pooh, I think, while lowl and ben got alomst identical stuffs, Henry decided upon giving sweets(expected, since he was eating so happily). As for my gifts, its for me to know and for you to find out, but xx-tou really gigantic mouth couldn't keep shut and wrote it on his blog.
Had maths lesson today, Sharmila's 3rd last lesson with us. She wanted to return test papers but yet she brought the E-maths paper, so it was like killing us the whole maths lesson. My friend was so happy that he got 19.5 till he realised he was looking at the E-maths. THAT was really amusing.
So, because of unforseeable error, I will get my Bio and Maths tommorow. I think my heart cannot take it la. Both sure will be like half-screwed. My Maths especially, never complete it like for the second time in the row, Shamila was like 'your class didn't do too good'. Teachers have a wierd way of saying things. Didn't do too good is as good as saying 'eh dude, ur results sucks', just that it is put in a better sense, thats all.
Had chemistry test today, I am sooo pissed right now, its like pure idiot-ty. The test doesn't need brains at all, all you need is a pair of eyes, which my class hopefully all has. MAKE ME STUDY SO HARD. It totally sucks. But still, I rather have one that is easy and make me seem smart then one that is super difficult.
Had a really good time going parkway today, super funny, got all kinds of wierd things happening. Oh by the way, we were at minitoon for 1 whole hour shopping and eating sweets. No one was watching, so we were 'sampling' the different kind of sweets. We came to the conclusion that minitoons sweets are NICE. Because of guilty conscious got to help advertise. In my defence, I did bought sweets, just that we thought it was a buffet, as in you can refill, miscommunication la.
Kaes, I dunno how to conclude, used up all my frigging brain juices on those tests that I just did. Oh by the way, the test which I had 95%, I re-did it, after the first try, my first try had 23%, SOOO pathetic can..thats why I had to make myself look really professor, and rank myself in the top 5% of the world, I AM A GENIUS!!!
AGAIN, in my defence, it was pure memory work and there wasn't a third try.
Really gotta sleep liaos, cannot start crapping again. NITEZ PPL, HAPPY VALENTINES.
Your Name, Your Fantasy
Wednesday, February 13, 2008 -
Free IQ Test
Your Name, Your Fantasy
Tuesday, February 12, 2008
Got two tests paper back today, screwed up Physics together with my class and did not bad, for my standard, in Chinese. So, had a days of mixed feelings. Tommorow, recieving Maths paper, shitted man, I think its a one of those tests that I rather my teacher lost it while passing motion or something. SO DEAD, its like one of those times when you know you are gonna die, and you still got to face it, that feeling is just pure sucky.
FYI: Chinese---34/50
Physics---(dont blink)11/30
English---19/30(Featured article), 21/30(descriptive)
Chemistry---mass failures, in short 2-3 passes
S.S---unknown(inference), screwed up but unknown(Chpt2)
Thats a brief and short story about my performance so far, very colourful yea? Hope that it will be more consistant, and stay at the brighter side. Kaes, time for today update.
Today, same as other days, lesson end at 1.45 and Mr. Lim begin his supplementary lessons till 2.30 then played soccer AGAIN till bout 4 with Kai Huai and Co., because xx-tou and Co. pangseh-ed me, but I shall be my kind self and forgive and forget. WOAH, I soooo da4 fang1, haha.
Have a chemistry test tommorow and possibly shopping for valentine gifts at Parkway. Its 12.30 btw, and I'm crapping here, extraordinary right, but then again, as the saying goes "Crapping makes life seems less crappy", quoted from C.S at 12.33.
SLEEPY~~, but still studying for chemistry which I find it pretty dumb, why will anyone be so bored as to form a table full of elements and arrange it in order, he got to be nuts, either that or he has no nuts (GAY).
Kays, nitez people, wish that you all have a happy new year and a beloved valentines day, btw Good Friday is coming. Look forward to it, and enjoy it while christians mourn the death of our father, kaes I'm crapping again. NITEZ PPL
Your Name, Your Fantasy
Monday, February 11, 2008
Today, early school dismissal, so for once there is an excitement about Mondays. the celebration was really boring, not to mention, I couldn't see anything because I was in the hall and the live broadcast was pretty bad. Still, I'm glad to be spared of Lo's lectures for once, perhaps our school scoring badly for O'levels has started to tone him down a little. THANK GOD.
After school. Usual practice. Played soccer. Stupid shoe. ITS TIGHT. Okay, I will stop with the two word thing per sentence. But it is tight, and I totally hate it. I had four blisters thanks to this shoe, stupid Buy And Throw Away (BATA), I will really throw away soon, YOU just watch. So kind xx-tou lend me his old shoe to play, till then, it was pretty crappy, strolling my way to goal. Thanks xx-tou.
Nothing much to report today, except for tight shoes, short day, short assembly. SO BORING, yea? My friend, thats school life, welcome to the life of me and you.
Your Name, Your Fantasy
Sunday, February 10, 2008
I am so glad that I broke free from mr kek restriction, FINALLY. So I hereby regained my freedom as a normal student complaining bout my life. A new year, a new found freedom, so appopriate. Something to let mrkek know, I seriously dont give a thing bout my school blog, doubt you actually read mine. YEAH, I simply love this freedom!!!
Kaes(I dunno when I started using kaes instead of Okay, but it sounds more cool I think), started off today sleeping till 3, not for the first time too, but it evens out since I slept at 3 too. Counted my hongpao money, got quite a bit it seemed. But stingy uncles actually gave 2 bucks. THATS PATHETIC with a capital P. Then went soccer before writing this blog.
Long time since I blogged, partly due to laziness and partly due to busi-ness. Went visiting for past few days. Extremely nice meeting my cousins again, not so much the grown-ups. 1 year once, thats the frequency we get to meet up. So after yesterday, it was pretty sad. Knew it will be another year before I would meet them again.
Didn't go class outing with my class. Really regretted, sorry. But had important things to do on those days, I'm sure I'll go on the next outing. Realised that yangyan is slacking at home, not marking our test paper, maybe she is homesick, I DONT BLAME HER, but she gotta mark faster!!
Will post up all the tests I did, just that it needs to be on other days, and I doubt I will post all, really too much. Its a Sunday tommorow, days simply fly when you are having fun, one more day back to school, the next holiday will be the march holidays, BUCK UP EVERYBODY!!!
Your Name, Your Fantasy