The Way Of A Fantasy
Friday, April 25, 2008
100 wordsSpeed test
Your Name, Your Fantasy
Wednesday, April 23, 2008
ERM..back again people, to address some issues that is quite dumb acccording to me, but IT GOT to be addressed, somehow someway.
OKay, here it goes, first and foremost, to the tagboard...A very very big thanks to Shiyong and Wenhui for supporting my case, and to the unknown fella, I dunno your name, so you shall be known as fella for now, unfortunately. Kays, fella, I agree that it is none of my business when the person involved is somewhat 'UNKNOWN' to me, but have you thought that it involved two parties in this case, and not exactly a one-sided thing? Yea, for sure I dunno what '****head'--renamed as Jane, is thinking. But, everyone has their own opinions and its just a matter of perspective on how you look at the matter. Everyone deserved to be in the wrong in this case, or what you might say blamed in this case. I admit, I criticised her in this blog overboardly(if theres such a word) but she told the secrets of my good friend to others. And somehow, that deserves no BLAME at all.
Okay, thus its just not practical to play the 'push blame game' where no one wins and it will just be the chicken and egg arguement. So...
To whoever it may concern, if it does not concern you, THEN WHY THE HELL ARE YOU DOING HERE?!?! GO MUGGG!!
Sorry and paisehness for somewhat criticising you here, even though I still belive in freedom of speech, especially on the web. If it caused you enormous distress, Im really really sorry and full of paisehness, SINCERELY. To her friends, I repeat. Its a difference of opinion and stand, so its senseless to even quarrel about such a matter. I have my stand, you have yours, all I can do is to say sorry, and hopefully, everything will be fine afetr this, if it isnt, theres nothing much I can do about it.
Also, I wish that if I actually said sorry in front of how many thousand people worldwide who is reading my blog, Im sure Jane could also return the favor and say sorry to my friend? Afterall two years being together could either be the happiest days of your life or a total pain in the neck, so why not use a single sorry and end the matter?
Again, I got to end this real fast, start revising soon, I wish to reallly say sorry to the person I criticised and her friends that defended her case, because I never hear her case..All I hope, I repeat HOPE, if its IMPOSSIBLE TO DO SO, its okay, that you can apologise to Apple.
Okay, actually ah, you gusy out there might not agree with this, its okay. Apple told secrets to Jane. Jane told her secrets to others. Victim: Apple. Culprit: Jane. I criticised Jane in the blog. Victim: Jane. Culprit: ME. Okay, I made myself seemed like a real jerk there, but thats the whole story. So, why not end the whole affair with just a simple yet sincere sorry?
P.S Im shun bian practicing for my situational writing, but what I say I really meant it.
Your Name, Your Fantasy
Sunday, April 20, 2008
IM BORED and HAVE NO LIFE. Thus, in a very desperate attempt to keep me awake and alive, I shall just do one test.
Your Scholastic Strength Is Inspiring Others

You are great at developing a vision, and getting others to adopt your way of thinking.
You are talented at leading, balancing tasks, and helping people work together.
You should major in:
Environmental studies
Social work
Political science
Your Name, Your Fantasy
Thursday, April 17, 2008
Yesh, IM BACK. Now, theres a much much shorter break, partly because I do not have test tommorow, and I woke up earlier today from my nap. So I got a lot a lot alot of time to crap today. But I shall not, since I should be mugging and YOU should too. Im not sure whats with the repititive words, its just a way to express my points, like 'very very very sian' and stuff.
Let me start on I said, O-U-T-I-N-G. As usual, I overslept again, not really overslept, but I still slept a little later then I should. Reached there about 1 hr late, but better late then never right..AND I got an excuse for it. The stuuupid bus took ages to come and took ages to go, it was practically crawling its way there. Reach there liao, this is all memory work by the way, as you know, Im prone to occasional stm, went to meet Gavril, Wenhui, Shiyong, Joyce at minitoons, then, if Im not wrong, go window shopping for the feast of the eyes without buying anything, followed by XX arrival. Qixian is on his way there to meet us. So we went over to the cinema, took a long time to choose movies, decided on 'Run,papa,run' and qixian is still on his way there. So we were just wandering aimlessly outside the theatre, while waiting for qixian, who is by the way still still on his way. Finally, we realised that his 'way' is far too long then carried out pangseh action number 1, by just entering the theatres. Eventually, he DID arrive just when I and Gav was buying the stuff to munch on during the movie. All sat couple seats, 3 boys 3girls, so XX bravely and courageously be the gentlemen and sit with Wenhui who wanted to be the gentlelady. Qixian sat solo with one unknown lady in solo seats.
Okayy, time for the review of the movie. The aircon is far too cold, everytime I laugh, I can sense the muscles near my cheeks tensing, very close to cramps. Second thing, I never knew the importance of the food I bought. It actually kept me going on watching for the entire 2hrs, which is a miracle by itself. The parts are too draggy, too many times when the fella playing with his OWN nipples could just be cut off and save me the torture waching him play with his OWN nipples. Parts too I mentioned, nipples-playing TOO long! Ended with an ending just like a fairytale, 'they lived happily ever after'. Funnily enough, 'Run, papa, run' made me feel more like running away, IT WAS THAT BAD. Apparently, the two old couple sitted behind Joyce and Co. were snoring away, SCREW they have the senior citizen thingy whereas we have the student special price, the adults should be the one which will be cursing and swearing.
Next, arcade again. I was very very determined to do better in basketball, and I actually did on the very last try in which I scored 207. But after that, hands aching like hack. Played 'childish game' AGAIN, and still, I am certainly not the best at it, Shiyong completed all the lvels, like WTH. As usual, Joyce was our guardian angel of the day, she just stood and watch us play, just that she played soem basketball with us, then decided to be guardian angel again. XX played shooting games, suit his character, KILL KILL KILL, whereas gavril tril to be funny and played some wierd drum game which is abit brainless if you ask me. Gavril was like so excited by it. Leopard never changes it spots. Qixian was our secong guardian angel, and what a loyal one he was. He didnt touch a single game, IM IMPRESSED. Wenhui played 'chindish game', and basketball TOGETHER with XX. Okay, that basicially sums up my day out, FUN. FUN. FUN.
Okay, now we got to fast foward abit, and come to today. In between, nothing much really happened, except for a few jokes here and there, fairly normal. Erm, today had msot of the slack lessons at the back. Yangyan and Mr Kek(I realised he found out about my blog), so I did have some time to revise for my Bio test after school. Ended up screwing it TOGETHER with the rest of my classmates. Tested on experiments and shit which left us STUNNED. The diagram weierd wierd wan, bloody idiot go and set up this experiment so many glass containers and shit, just use the containers to store stuff LA, dun try to be funny.
UPDATED UPDATED. Goodluck for your MYE peeps.
Your Name, Your Fantasy
Sunday, April 13, 2008
YOZX people, erm sorry for not posting for so long, can tell since this is my first post of April. A little rusty now with writing my blog. Had and have been busy this few weeks with mountains and mountains of homework then on Wednesday, I was very very shagged, thus didn’t update neither. Paiseh-ness people. Thus, today shall be the day thou (Im not sure if its thy) will update thou blog.
Truth to be told, nothing really much happened after Sports days. Erm, maybe one thing. Of all things I picked up the stupid word called ‘beh’ It’s the Chinese way of saying ‘leh’, so now my sentence becomes ‘lets go beh’ NOT COOL! NOT COOL AT ALL! ‘Beh’ just don’t sounds right, thus I shall try to change this shitty word of mine back to leh.
Oh yea, and during my long time absence, I witnessed how shitty some friends could be. The one and only person in my hate list is STAYING there forever. Its his honour to be the only person there, but very soon he will have some company, accompany him you see. ----- is so close to be going in there, its only becuz Im the not victim, if I was, she will register immediately with effect from today. I'm just extra sensitive to screwed up friends(if they know what that means). F.Y.I, the person in my hate list is going nowhere, his constant dao-ing of me is not exactly the best greeting, or is that the new trend?
On a lighter note, had bazaar yesterday, I suppose my class did quite well overall, or maybe they didn't, I'm not sure. Our mascot went quite badly, whereas our food stall sold out. It was like so early then got two calls, one from Walter to tell me to go school, the other from Wenhui to tell me to buy balloons for Joyce. All this when Im still in bed, so I did a mad dash to my bathroom, then chionged to eat before going off. When I reached there, the rain was like MADNESS, completely soaked my shoe and it made a complete joke out of the 'drainage system' our school possesses. We should one of these days raise funds to supprt drainage system in our school instead. Mascot wasn't doing exactly very well, food stall was OKAY. Then went to buy balloons for Joyce, Wenhui and Shiyong. Yinghui obviuosly isnt interested in any balloons. Then I braved he rain, okay not exactly brave, I just waited at the shelter then rushed over to the other side when the time is ripe, to go over to the food stall and help sell. Overall had a nice day. Oh and anyway, very very sorry and paiseh that I never hear those who dedicated songs to me, I have a really really bad hearing and I didnt pay attention. I repeat. SORRY!
Oh yea, tommorow outing eh, its almost like the previous outing, just taht theres a more cheerful XX, and tehre shd be more people, if not then thats fine. AMK hub, 1pm for boys and 10am for girls. I think thats the timing. Those that know what Im toking about, will, those that dunno, won't. SO there you go, I'm not sure what time to go, becuz theres I needa get a horoscope book. Ehh, whatever, I shall make up my mind tommorow.
THERE YOU GO, a fully updated blog for once in April. HAve a good month ahead and MUGG for MYE people, good luck for your tests and be happy!
Your Name, Your Fantasy