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The Way Of A Fantasy

Wednesday, December 31, 2008
IM BACK, most probably for the last time. Because school is coming back to haunt innocent young kids like us. School + naggings = irritating crap = pressure. New year is gonna be in like 2hrs 21mins away, and I dun hav a bloody new year resolution yet. I will come up with one by the end of this post.

Yep, school is like finally back. The timetable totally rocks. Monday, we get to go school at 8.50. Can you actually believe the school will be SOOOOO kind, I mean, after 3 yrs of shitty school rules, THEY finally had a brainwave to change the whole timetable. Also, recess is now 1 hr, HOW COOL IS THAT?!?!? PLUS, yangyan lesson after recess, THAT MEANS, possibly, 2 hr of sleep. THIS IS SOOO DAM COOL!!! Okay, I shall get hold of myself. School is never that fun. Plus, I know friends that have stayed at sec3. I seriously hope they wont suffer down there, and be known as 'retainees', because THAT will seriously suck. The timetable rocks is one thing, but then WHY, WHY do they have to change the timetable NOW?!?! Why could some1 bestow this idea upon them 3 yrs ago, and trust me, that will change my perspective of this school by hell LOT.

And since today is my last post, mainly because my mum is not a fan of blogging ( I mean she is like those that ancient ppl that prefers to use a quillpen and write in a book), I shall IMPART knowledge to you people out there. Its not often I impart knowledge you noe...so you guys gotta appreciate my effort.

Firstly, Im not a diehard fan of the 'a picture speaks a thousand word'. Yea, I mean I've seen blogs where they will say say say, then they will come to a point where thy will put a few pictures and say 'A PICTURE SPEAKS A THOUSAND WORDS'. Okay, heres the point, if it actually speaks a thousand words, which words will you noe it will be saying? Imagine me pasting a photo here now. A boy smiling happily. IMAGINE PEOPLE, IMAGINE. ALbert Einstein says 'Imagination is the key to everyting' Okay, maybe that not what he said, but thats the gist of it. Okay, imagine now. This boy smiling happily. Thousand words. Is he gay? Is he retarded? Is he being forced to smile? Or issit a photoshop? U SEE, out of that thousand words, we wont know which words to choose. There you go, the theory of 'a picture speaks a thousand word' is therefore shit.

Okay, the next knowledge im going to impart to you guys there, is not really knowledge. Its more of my personal kind of preference. Okay, here it goes. I feel that every blogpost should have a minimum length, as in, I dun really feel that there is a need to update everyday, and the update be one line long. I might have said this to guaitai before, but jsut bare with me for a while. Why bother posting one liner blog post, JUST to show that the blog is updated. I mean, if you wana post something like 'I think I have a headache today' then END, fullstop, THEN WHY BOTHER POSTING?!?! And trust me, I have seen some really ridiculous one liners which blog surfing. Theres from the ridiculous ones like 'I dun feel like updating today' to even more classic ones like 'Im wondering if Im gay.' Yea, and trsut me, if you blog surf more, you will find EVEN more ridiculous ones. Im sure staring at the computer screen is not the best way to finding out if you are gay or NOT. Staring at another guy is the best possible way.

WOW, Im so proud of myself today, I actually passed so wisdom to some people out there.

Time for a recap of 2008. This year is the worst and the best year of my schooldays. Compared to sec2, this year my results are like shit, yea, I mean real shit, the ones that come out from your anus. And of course, hold and behold, theres the dreaded olvls coming right up. Also, got to part with 2fg into 3ep. Really missed the times of gossiping, the times when we make fun of chers. But on the other hand, sec3 is NOT that bad. First thing, I get to see who are the friends that are just simply friends and friends that will be friends with you for the rest of your life. Also, getting to really know 3ep ppl has been cool, expected a nerdy dictionary-based class, but they thankfully arent. MOST IMPORTANTLY, I kept most of my friendships with the people in 2fg.

Yep, I am about done with my post...will be going down for countdown soon, YES, thats how long I took to write this post. Sec4, will be coming. This year will be a year that is particularly short, with the olvls and everyting. Hope that everyone will be appreciate the people around them, maximum 10 mths of togetherness and it will eventually fly pass us. And eventually everyone will be seperated and gone, so, this is my new year revoultion: ENJOY OURSELVES IN THE COMPANY OF OUR FRIENDS.

Sounds so solemn sia, my last post, but then I guess the last year in everyone's company is a sad fact. And of course, meeting yangyan AGAIN is even sadder, since I nvr did any of her homework, because I could not be bothered to. Yangyan ah Yangyan, you are starting to be a pain in my butt. But nvm, ONE YEAR MORE OF HER FACE, then she will disappear from my life.




Your Name, Your Fantasy

Sunday, November 9, 2008
HEys, im back. WOW, many things have changed since I last posted sia. US just got a new black president. How cool is that? And then...of course theres the frequent essential visit to the yellow line, so that I can meet my beloved friend, CCL, for some brainless stuff like talking or wearing PE etc etc. And I finally found back the days of freedom when I can play computer whenever I want. YESSS, indeed, the better days are here to stay.

First, the US presidential election. FINALLY, OH-BUMMER won. HELL YEA. Well done Mc-cain. But then seriously, it was a mismatch. Firstly, Bummer is so much younger as to Mc-cain. One already has one step in his coffin liao. Hell knows whether he will die of heart attack the moment he knows he has won. Fourtunately he didnt, or he mite really have died of heartattack. PLus, Bummer is so much more charismatic, the only thing that is charismatic about him is the white hair everpresent on his head. Lastly, while Bummer is trying his best to save the US economy, Mccain is busy checking out Bummer's dinner contacts donkey years ago. SERIOUSLY, Macs GOTTA try harder, much much harder.

This election reminds me about about how the US politics and Singapore poiltics differ. On our election day, while our parents are voting for our ruling party, we are at home munching on our tidbits. Then when the results are out, we are still munching on our tidbits. We just stare at the TV screen, no expression whatsoever, and the only time when theres a reaction is when our tidbits run out. COMPARE this to the USA, where people run out on the streets hugging strangers just cuz the person they supported won. DIfferent country, different perspective in life.

And than of course, theres the exams results. &^%$#$% results like really kns wan. Don't intend to dwell too much into it, because first thing its over, and secondly, I WANT it to be over. Yea, so there! No exam reports, so that I will be a happy guy.

Okay, holidays are here like FINALLY, after the darn extension week. I tink those two weeks are like the most colorful days of my life. So many frequent calls to the yellow line. Let me see, two times for talking, two time for wearing p.e. Seriously, there should be a guiness world record for this. And AWWWW, poor CCL was sooo upset one day that we went to call my mum, cuz he thought my excuse slip was FAKE. Time for him to realise that I do nid to fake someone of his mental capacity.

Yea, in this few weeks, it has been BORING. Okay, wait. Boring is an understatement. Literally ROTTING at home. Everyday play facebook games to kill time, you will be surprise how much time I killed (at least my mum was surprised). Yea, and wat is a hoilday without a bout of mum's special. NAGGING. 'EH, your olvl's coming liao leh, why you not worry wan ah??!!?!", "Olvl, so near liao, must study hard hor." Okay, she gotta realise its not that im not panicking or anything. Its just that I heard these thing a gazillion times. School says so. Relatives says so. Ah pek in streets also say the same thing. Then come home, YOU say the EXACT same thing again. ARGHHH, but nvm, I am immnue to it already, thankfully.

Yea, just came back from cruise. Yea, AGAIN. Quite boring in there, nothing to do, eat, sleep, eat, play arcade. But at least it furfill one of my task: killing time. Plus, its free, so who cares if its boring. Oh ya, duno wats wrong with my lips (randomization), everytime I go cruise, come back, will be super duper red like sausages like that.

I tink thats bout it. And guaitai went for a few tour around singapore, that mountain tortoise. Went to novena mrt and actually wondered if there was a fourth story. Seriously, thats not exactly smart (Im kind). And went ALL the way to Hougang, and than back to my place. All this just for Moonlight Resonanace discs. Which reminds me, YOU HAVENT RETURN THE REMAINING DISCS YETTT.

Oh, and this reminds me. Theres a few white tigers got buffet recently. Got one guy went to climb into its enclosure to serve as food. This really made the tigers day. For once, fresh meat. But then, even so, dun understand why people insist on getting the tigers shot. They were just following their instincts, and the guy served himself up, not really their faults.

Yes, this sums up my holiday so far. One word: boring. Two words: not nice. Three words: Could be better. Yep, this is the end of my post, and that is worth one month of information in case you never read the news, like 'WOW, obama is black?!?!?!?!'

Quotes: 'When the going gets tough, the tough gets going'
-From someone-I-dun-not-noe.
'Success is a process whereby stones will be thrown at you and you will have to turn those into milestones."
-From some newspaper.
'The two most abundant element on earth is hydrogen and stupidity. But not in that order'
-From somewhere-i-heard-from

Yeah, my post is DONE. LONG LONG ONE. But then at least I furfilled my quota of 1 post per month. Time to kope one quiz and do.

From wenhui(Zhong se qing you):

ONE] Who was your last text from?

[TWO] Where was your default pic taken?
I dont have a default pic.

[THREE]Your relationship status?
Alone means one means single which means freedom.

[FOUR] Have you ever lost a close friend?
Not yet, about time though.

[FIVE] What is your current mood?

[SIX] What's your brother's name?

[SEVEN ] What's your favorite color(s)?
Grey, black, white. Im a sad person who love dark colors.

[EIGHT] Where do you wish you were right now?
Killing the person who made this quiz. I know im not answering the question, but i nidda vent my frustartions.

[NINE] Have a crazy side?
A little here and there.

[TEN] Ever had a near death experience?
Nope, dun want one either. Oh wait, when I was young, a cupboard drop on me, is that counted as a near-death?!

[ELEVEN] Something you do a lot?
Computer-ing, eating, breathing, sleeping

[TWELVE] Angry at anyone?
Do you nid a list?

[THIRTEEN] What's stopping you from going for the person you like?
Sick bastard, whats wrong with you?!

[FOURTEEN] When was the last time you cried?
Why? You want to see me at my weakest rite?!?! Must be it! Irritaing idiot.

[FIFTEEN] Is there anyone you would do anything for?
If they say 'to kill the person that made this quiz', i will do it rite away.

[SIXTEEN] What do you think about when you are falling asleep?
Sleeping well.

[SEVENTEEN] Who was the last person you talked to on the phone?

[EIGHTEEN] What are your favorite songs?

[NINETEEN] What are you doing right now?
Cursing the person who set this quiz, hopefully its not wenhui ah.

[TWENTY] Who do you trust right now?
My close friends

[TWENTY-ONE] Where did you get the shirt you are wearing?
I stole it. Dumb question.

[TWENTY-TWO] Have you kissed someone in the past week?

[TWENTY-THREE] What is your lucky number?

[TWENTY-FOUR] Who are your friends that are closest to you?
The gang I hang out with the most.

[TWENTY- FIVE] Describe your life in one word?

[TWENTY- SIX] Have you ever kissed in the rain?
How the hell you kiss in the rain? Later on kiss, then the rain enter ur mouth, then you got to wipe it away. Worse still, if you choke, then u die, then no nid kiss liao.

[TWENTY-SEVEN] Who are you thinking of right now?

[TWENTY- EIGHT] What should you be doing right now?

[TWENTY-NINE] If you could wish for something over a birthday cake right now what would it be?
Birthday candles? Dun understand this question

[THIRTY] What are you listening to?
Dogs barking, as usual. When is this quiz going to end?

[THIRTY- ONE] Who was the last person who gave you a hug?
Friends from cruise.

[THIRTY- TWO] Who was the last person who yelled at you?

[THIRTY- THREE] Do you act differently around the person you like?
Sick bastard, when is this THING going to END?!?!

[THIRTY- FOUR] What is your natural hair colour?
maroon black.

[THIRTY-FIVE]Who was the last person to make you laugh?
Yesss, it ended.

Okay, im REALLY DONE now, long post. Expected from a month long of shit. Nvm, one more quiz. Since im free now.

Koped from guaitai:
1. What is your CCA?
Association of the Chinese Chess Club

2. Would you fall in love with a guy older than you?
Im a guy. Does that solve all the problem?

3. Do you rather be with a guy much older or much younger than you?
Yes, apparently it does solve all the problems.

4. Do you believe in love at first sight?

5. Will you fall in love with your best friend?
See first, see first.

6. Which is more blessed? Loving someone or being loved?
Loving someone.

7. Will you risk your life for your best friend?
No problem, but he will have to be someone worth risking my life for.

8. If the person you like is attached, what would you do?
Im democratic.

9. Is there anything/anyone that has made you extremely happy?

10. Would you rather have many friends with a loose friendship or one/two with a very close friendship?
One/two with a very close friendship

11. How would you see yourself in 10 years time?
TEACHER, here i come.

12. Who is currently the most important people to you?
My family.

13. family or career?

14. Would you rather be single and rich or married but poor?
Married but poor

15. Would you rather be lesbian/gay or incest?
Another sick guy. NEITHER. To think that guaitai actually answer les. GEEZ, wats the world coming to?

16. If you fall in love with 2 people simultaneously, who would you pick?
Pick the person that like you la, DUHH.

17. Would you forgive & forget no matter how horrible a thing that someone has done?
Yep, but it gotta be someone I am close to.

18. What do you want to tell the person you love?
I dun love anyone.

19.What is the one thing you regretted most in your life?
That I was such a sucky friend when I was in p4.

20. If you have only 1 more day to live, would you confess to the one you love ?
NOO. DUHH, I will make a will, pray to God, then transfer all my assets to the one i love, then confess.

Your Name, Your Fantasy

Friday, October 17, 2008
Okay, short post..a much longer one maybe next time.

Exams are over. YEAH! After all the euphoria by finishing our exams, we were crashed back into earth. BANG. Ya, just like that. Gone are the days when we start comparing about how many As we got. LONG GONE. It is back to the days when damage limitation is the name of the game.

This is the time when I start whining. Whiner ALERT. It just so happens that thanks to our excellent school record of retaining people, 2 of my close friends face the risk of retain or dropping out (not certain yet, because they could appeal). ITS LIKE WTH?!?! Seriously, by retaining them, does it do them any good? It doesn't! But poor Chee Lin got to do sumting to prove his point that HE IS THE BOSS. Thus, he got to retain alot of people to show that he is doing his job. Thus, he is basicaaly doing this to prove his point. Thus, the only point he is proving to us is that his BLOODY system isn't working at all. BECAUSE (Chee Lin, I noe you hate me to remind you of this painful fact), our school dropped to band 3 last year IN CASE you haven't realise. Simply proves one thing. YOUR RETAINING SYSTEM ISNT WORKING AT ALL.

Okay, after that outburst, I guess I am feeling better. A much clearer and detailed post other times. SEE YA PEEPS.

P.S To my two close friends: You may be retained, or maybe be dropped out. It might change certain things. But 2 things that I am certain will not change is our everlasting friendship and the memories. I hope you will be with us next year and remember, NEVER NEVER give up on yourself. God Bless. May our memories and friendship be with us forever.

Your Name, Your Fantasy

Tuesday, October 7, 2008
HELL YEA, 1 more test. Come on people, we can do it, its just 2 more hrs staring at sheets of paper.

Your Name, Your Fantasy

Monday, September 29, 2008
Im tired. Erm, wait thats an understatement.


Time check: 5.00A.M, note the A.M pls. Haven't slept yet, THAT SUCKS.

God, please help me in tommorow's test.

God, please help me not to die underneath my books, at least give me proper burial. THANKS.

Your Name, Your Fantasy

Tuesday, September 9, 2008
Got to start on work soon. Only left with 12 more days people. So, just reporting a quote I saw somewhere which I just remembered.

'The worst time to have a heart attack is in a game of charades, or in a game of fake heart attack.'
By: he-who-I-cant-name

Your Name, Your Fantasy

Monday, September 8, 2008
Okay, IM officially back to blogging again. Mainly, its after the Sept holiday and I should give a post and also I am sure as hell not going to let my blog die. So far, 7days have passed, feeling a little guilty for not fully utilising the 7 days. But then again, its ONLY 7 days rite? So, there isnt much time to do anythin at the first place. So, I shdnt be feeling guilty.

Ya, Im noe Im decieving myself, but Im just trying to keep myself happy.

Erm, of all the holidays, Sept holidays is a real bore. You are forced to sit at home and meditate everyday, cuz 'The EOY is around the corner liao' according to my mum. Im always like 'DUH!', dont really nid you to keep reminding me, its pretty obvious. And worse of all, the thick books just doesnt seem too appetising for my brains now. Its like, after studying finish trigo and you realise you forgot totally bout logaritihms. No, hangon a minute, not only logs, I actually forgot wat was completing the square, that is until I actually draw a square out and completed it. INGENIOUS.

Okay, as I have said, this holiday was pretty boring. Except for the Thais having YET another coup to kick out the governemnt and 'Malaysia truely Asia' showing that its wannabe minister could commit sodemy (sexual intercourse with the same sex), nothing much really happened.

If my memory isnt failing me again, I rmbed going out on monday for some amaths refreshments and chemistry tidbits accompanied by physics dessert. Lasted till 2-sumting. Was quite happy with my physics marks, got a B3, thank God. After that, wanted to play soccer, but it was like just after a downpour, and not the ideal conditions for soccer. Thus, therfore, so, I decided to go with kimwee, edwin, yiting, shawn, felicia, eugene and cavan to east coast park. Decided to cycle for erm..let me see, 5 bucks for 1hr and another free 1hr. Seeing that we all go rent bikes frm him, the bicycle uncle wanted to repay our generosity by adding an additional 1hr. Okay. heres the trick. This smart bicycle uncle noes that we will never cycle for 3 hrs, so he wanted to seem kind, but HE IS A FAKE.

Then the friday before this, went out with the usual ppl. Sheeyong, midget wenhui, xiangxi and gavril. First went bak to primary school, wow, nostalgia sia, esp since all the teacher remembers me still. Apparently, they were like 'Ehhh, clarence, you came back ah..WOAH, so tall and slim now ah.' After hearing them say this, Im like okay...so you always remembered me as a short and plump boy, SO DEPRESSING. Another teacher's comment 'Of course I remember you, the person that always tok in class' Ya thanks man, Im glad I gave you guys so many gd memories. But that being said, Im really glad that the teachers at least remembered me, for watever the reasons might be and I was super duper happy to meet them again. HAPPY TEACHERS DAY ONCE AGAIN: Mr Daud Teo, Mdm Serene Koh. The teachers I never see means that I wish I never see them for the rest of my life. Then after that, travelled all the way to plaze singapura after much much discussion with xiangxi and his apple. Watched 'Wall-E', erm, I gotta say its preeety not-so-interesting, esp the starting 45 min, when the only words I heard was "Eve", "Eva" and "Wall-E". Easy scripts I suppose. Quite sadly, I slept and at the ending, and woke to see them ---the 2 robots, kissing. Ya, you saw it right, two robots KISSING, or is it even called kissing? Kissing is mouth to mouth contact, they hardly even have lips.

On thursday, went back school to go collect the rest of my books. Conviniently went into ITC room to go meet up with kimwee, keehock, edwin and shawn. Ended watching 'L saves the world.' Okay, that show is quite nice, but maybe the last part wasnt as touching as I figured out frm some ppl. I wasnt even close to tears la, not bcuz Im cold blooded or watsoever, but cuz its srsly not touching. Then after that, Shawn and edwin go to parkway to go meet cavan, so we knew how kind hearted they were, therefore decided to ask them help us takeaway Macs. Meanwhile, since got nothing to do, I and keehock go play miniclip and mofunzone...really boliao people you see. Then after liek ages, Shawn came back, munched, and then home.

Yep, DONE. Sept holidays, 7 days/168hrs/10080mins/604800secs was wasted. Didnt really do much studies, bcuz primarily I feel that holidays are meant for resting, only touched bio, physics. And a little bit of ss. YOU SEE, I told you my holis was boring.

Oh yea, another thing. Theres a recent trend where blogs get flamed like noone business. WTH is wrong with these ppl man. Nothing to do? Stress? In certain cases, it really goes overboard in its insults and criticism. YEA, I noe bout freedom of speech, but certainly not freedom of insults. Please LOW-IQ ppl, dun go round flaming other ppl blogs. Go play with your barbie dolls to build up you IQ, theres quite some way to go before it reaches the level of 'acceptable'. Get a life and dun go round flaming other people. Cuz, by hiding under someone's name or some alphabet, you are just a coward that is trying to seek attention. Look in the mirror, curse the reflection before smashing it, becuz this is wat you look like in our eyes. Remember to keep your appointments with your psycologist and dun skip it, it will do ur mental health NO GOOD at all.

Okay, tmr back to school and the hectic shit. Cao. This feeling sucks. Nvm, Hav fun in school and goodluck for EOY, NITES.

P.S Long update making me hungry, I tink Im gona ransack for food before slping. Randomism

Quotes (as promised):
"The fact that you are in this world, adds meaning to the word 'life'"
-C.S, specially for midget Wenhui zibeism.

"Theres no end to work, but theres an end to life"
-C.S, especially gd excuse to bluff urself that you nid rest

"头大没脑, 脑大装草"
-C.S, for scolding people

"Anything before a 'but' is a bluff"
-Mr Kek, really cool quote. You can try it on any sentence. Erm, example.."Your hairstyle is nice, BUT my pet turtle's one is nicer" Also can use as sarcasm, as you can see.

Your Name, Your Fantasy

Points to note

Yoz fellow netizens
A specially big thank you to spare time to read my grouses and complaints, feel free to tag or comment.
If you are in a good mood, tag pls, if you hate me, theres a quick and fast way to end it: press the red cross.
If your stead had just ditched you, continue reading because you will realised that my life is as crapped up as yours!

My Party

Mr Kek

Who am I?

Name: Clarence Seow
Got out of mum's anus on: 30th July 1993
Treating me to knowledge: Chung Cheng High (Main)
Star Sign: Fiery Leo
Chinese Star sign: Chicken (What irony)
Put my life in God's hands, but somehow feels tired going church
Believes in 'Crapping makes life less crappy'
Feels that betrayal is the worst form of shit that can be presented to you
If need someone to talk to, add me in c.s.c.h@hotmail.com


My friends
Cristiano Ronaldo#7
Last minute mugging
Late night conversations via msn or handphone
Last but not least, to crap

The test of love

Create your own Friend Test here

The Numbers

The Cries

My Past

February 2008
March 2008
April 2008
May 2008
June 2008
July 2008
August 2008
September 2008
October 2008
November 2008
December 2008

Who am I?
Name: Clarence Seow
Got out of mum's anus on: 30th July 1993
Star Sign: Fiery Leo
Chinese Star sign: Chicken (What irony)
Put my life in God's hands, but somehow feels tired going church
Believes in 'Crapping makes life less crappy'
Feels that betrayal is the worst form of shit that can be presented to you
If need someone to talk to add me in c.s.c.h@hotmail.com

Create your own Friend Test here